Welcome to a world where an eternal battle has been waged

The lines have been drawn, and the people of Shalistar face the crucial choice to follow the will of Aleph or surrender to the control of Baelor. Ancient history and spiritual conflict collide in this fantastical drama, written in the tradition of The Lord of the Rings and The Chronicles of Narnia.


Eternals of Shalistar: The Enemy of Magic

The world of Shalistar has reached the climax of its final age. Magic and sorcery, a forbidden art, have taken root in the hearts of its inhabitants. The outcome of this wickedness has come in the form of “The Messenger,” a cruel being who offers power and prestige. Those who accept the gift are granted unnatural abilities, but find themselves a slave to Baelor, the unmerciful master of “The Messengers.”

Born within this world of darkness is a group of warriors, known as The Order of the Elect. They follow the will of Aleph, the creator of Shalistar, who has guided them in battling the forces of evil for thousands of years, keeping the darkness at bay.

At the end of the age, at the pinnacle of darkness, a young man and a young woman have been summoned by Aleph, to walk through trials unnumbered and meet their creator face to face at his mountain summit. click here to purchase from Amazon


Eternals of Shalistar: The Scourge of Baelor

The people of Shalistar are now fatefully divided…

Desperate inhabitants kneel before Baelor, imprisoning themselves within a system of magic and sorcery. A remnant who choose Aleph find themselves scattered across the entire world, following the narrow path set before them.

Daeric and Esgar, the chosen ones, resist the adversary of Shalistar and enter the door of Aleph’s holy temple. In the wake of his humiliation, Lucien calls forth the Nephilim, the fallen ones. By their ancient hand, these mythical creatures will now destroy this once beautiful world.

Meanwhile, Anlace and his faithful companions venture to the desert wastelands of Virym in a race against time to infiltrate the city of Hammerfist and rescue a civilization trapped within the swelling darkness.

An eternal battle continues, and the stakes are rising as war is waged for the very soul of Shalistar. Everything once hidden, is now revealed as the end of the world draws near.

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Eternals of Shalistar: The Veil of Aleph

Shalistar’s fate will be decided by the choices of its Champion!

Lucien sits upon the Throne of Rian orchestrating a system of magic and sorcery! The Nephilim, possessed by the rage of Baelor, carry out their ancient assignment, destroying the rich and vibrant realm. In the looming darkness, as hope begins to fade, Daeric and Esgar return as Aleph’s Champions.

Within the Eternal Void, Aleph’s voice calls out to the remnant, asking them to put aside their pre-conceived ideas of who He is and where He came from. His mystery is revealed as He awakens the rest of His Chosen, asking them to take up arms in preparation for the final conflict.

Our heroes painfully realize that the past must be buried in order for hope’s piercing light to break forth within the hearts of us all. In the final hour, all creation groans for the return of Aleph. However, His arrival comes at an ultimate price and will result in one fateful outcome, the complete destruction of the world!